Nepenthes ventricosa X ampullaria is a cross between a highlander and a lowlander. This particular hybrid stays green compared to other Exotica Plant's hybrids of the same cross that exhibit more reddish patches in the pitcher. I've been growing this hybrid outdoors and so far so good. I can't grow N. ampullaria because of their high temperature and humidity needs that I can't provide. This hybrid looks very similar to the species N. ampullaria except that it is more cold tolerant due to the N. ventricosa in it. It seems to be an easy grower that needs little attention. Borneo Exotics has recently released their version of the same hybrid but with more coloration of reds than the one above. I'm growing those seedlings in a terrarium indoors and as they get larger maybe they can be moved outdoors in time.
lowland? / intermediate / highlander?
(not a naturally occurring hybrid)
easy grower in intermediate conditions; appears to tolerate modest highland
conditions outdoors
availability: rooted cuttings; available at times
Species variability: doesn't appear to be much variation at all
/ size: moderate; $25.00 - $40.00
Cuttings: none
available for trade
Sex: unknown