Nepenthes masoalensis is a species that has little information available about it. I first came upon it at the website Plants with Attitude. They have a very nice photo of their plant and state that it is relatively an easy species to grow. The only available source for N. masoalensis seems to be The Nepenthes Nursery in Germany. I have two plants that I grow on my windowsill. Both arrived as small size 2's fresh from tissue culture. I potted them up and on the windowsill they went. So far they appear to be doing okay. One of my plants took an initial hit because of the lower humidity associated with growing plants outside of a greenhouse. However, it adjusted and is growing. I will say that this species took longer to adjust to windowsill conditions than many other lowlanders that I bought from The Nepenthes Nursery. The last plant I got from them was a little bigger than their first offerings so that helps when acclimating to new conditions. Why the Nepenthes Nursery is the only vendor of this species is a mystery to me. It doesn't seem to be exceedingly rare or hard to come by. Other than Plants with Attitude's website, I've never encountered other growers with larger specimen plants. Maybe over time more information will become available about this species. If purchasing this species, I'd recommend growing it in typical warm, humid lowland conditions to start before experimenting as a windowsill specimen.
lowlander 30m-400m
Cultivation: moderate indoors as a windowsill plant, easier
in typical lowland greenhouse conditions
availability: size 2; limited only to The Nepenthes Nursery
Species variability: none that I'm aware of
/ size: moderate; $25.00
Cuttings: none
available for trade
Sex: unknown