N. adnata
purchase date: 9 / 03
arrived as a size 3
plant origin: Malesiana Tropicals
photo taken:  9 / 03

N. adnata
purchase date: 7 / 04
arrived as a size 2
plant origin: Nepenthes Nursery
photo taken:  7 / 05

Nepenthes adnata has been a species somewhat difficult to obtain. I first came across this plant in Clarke's Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia book. He has some very nice photos of this plant as well as an in depth species profile. The plant that originated from Malesiana Tropicals was my first specimen I bought. I grew it outdoors because it was found right around highland altitudes. It did fine during the warm months, but slowed down tremendously during the winter. The leaves became small and it appeared to be going into dormancy like a Venus Fly Trap. When spring came back, the plant started growing again. Because of the winter damage, I bought a different clone from the Nepenthes Nursery in Germany. I grew this specimen as a windowsill plant and it has done very well. N. adnata readily produces basal shoots at a young age and almost appears to "clump" together. It doesn't appear to get real large at this time which makes it a good candidate for terrariums or windowsills. The confusion I've had about growing this species is because the Nepenthes Nursery lists theirs as a highlander. I recall Malesiana Tropicals listing theirs as an intermediate so that's why I started growing outdoors. I feel that N. adnata does best indoors leaning more to lowland conditions than highland. If grown outdoors, expect winter damage to leaves and pitchers. As of late, this species seems to be limited to the Nepenthes Nursery and Malesiana Tropicals and isn't too widely available. 

lowland-intermediate? 600m-1100m

Cultivation: moderate, semi-difficult outdoors as a highlander. Best grown as a lowlander or windowsill specimen.
Market availability: size 2 to size 3; uncommon
Species variability: none that I'm aware of
$ / size: moderate; $30.00 and up 
Cuttings: none available for trade
Sex: unknown