Nepenthes are elaborate carnivorous plants that can be grown quite successfully indoors or outdoors with or without using a greenhouse. Depending on where you live many of the needs of Nepenthes can be met by adapting them to your growing environment. Nepenthes are extremely versatile and adaptable to many different growing conditions. With the advent of tissue culture and more vendors, many rare and highly sought after species are widely available today. And cheaper too!
I grow my Nepenthes literally "around the house." My highlanders and intermediates are grown outdoors in my backyard in hanging pots and on plastic tables for the smaller plants. For my lowlanders, I grow them in an aquarium and a mini-greenhouse I got at a nursery store made of clear plastic in my garage. On occasion, I'll grow them as windowsill plants in brightly lit rooms as well. Nothing fancy or "high-end" for growing Nepenthes Around the House.
Cultivation of Nepenthes
Nepenthes Purchasing
Nepenthes Discussion and Photo pages
My Nepenthes